Gain Blocks

The ICG series of Gain Blocks are general purpose gain stages consisting of Broadband MMIC amplifiers in a Darlington configuration. The amplifiers housed in a low-cost surface mountable package provide a high output intercept point, high gain and low noise figure and do not require an external bias resistor.

Typical applications include Cellular Base Stations/Broadband/SATV/CATV/VSAT and ISO/EPC Compliant RFID Readers.

Product Part No. Vd Id Freq Gain,/th> NF OP1dB OIP3 Package Availabiliy
(V) (mA) (MHz) (dB) (dB) (dBm) (dBm)
ICG2110 3.1 11 DC-3000 13.3 4.35 12.2 12.5 SOT-23 On-Request
ICG2120 3 18 DC-3000 16 3.69 9 19.5 SOT-23 On-Request
ICG2130 3 30 DC-3000 16.9 3.4 13.8 26 SOT-23 On-Request
ICG2140 3 40 DC-3000 13.7 4 14.4 26.5 SOT-23 On-Request
ICG2150 3 54 DC-3000 13.7 4.35 14.46 26.5 SOT-23 On-Request
ICG2160 3 61 DC-3000 13.8 4 14.27 26.5 SOT-23 On-Request

Typical performance data @ 850 MHz.